Here’s my progress for the Being Set Free Project

The first image…the foundation, the past, the present, filled with all the tools I own.Being Set Free 1

My goal…a place of freedom…or at least this is the look of it from my current perspective…an experience of life here on earth beyond time and form…untethered from thoughts that bind and hinder you from seeing what is here and now.11898568_10153721815619994_8030218804508763298_n

Sometimes you have to make a literal image of the transition just to get started.
Being Set Free 3

And then I seem to fall into something unfamiliar and a bit chaotic.Being Set Free5

I can use some assistance so I make my first Mandala on the iPhone.IMG_0895

More to come.  If you’d like to be a part of this project, please contact us on FB Being Set Free.¬if_t=group_comment_reply